Literature work on intersex

The following items are all works involving the topic of intersex. This section is still in the process of being organised.

Ulrike Kloeppel - Intersex Under National Socialism

An Overview To Highlight The Need For Further Study

Ulrike Kloeppel - Intersex under National Socialism (English translation)

Summary: A research article by German researcher Ulrike Klöppel on intersex during the era of National Socialism (Nazism) in Germany in the context of the treatment of intersex individuals today. It explores the available evidence that the Nazis singled out intersex individuals, and that so-called 'hermaphrodites' were experimented on by Nazi camp doctors such as Josef Mengele.

Our translation presented here is part of an ongoing effort to facilitate access to information about intersex matters, in this case by opening up German texts for the international audience. Translation was last revised January 2020.

Reference: Homosexuelle im Nationalsozialismus. Neue Forschungsperspektiven zu Lebenssituationen von lesbischen, schwulen, bi-, trans- und intersexuellen Menschen 1933 bis 1945. Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Michael Schwartz (Hg.), München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, S. 107-114, ISBN 978-3-486-74189-6
Excerpt: Ulrike Klöppel - Intersex im Nationalsozialismus (German original, provided for comparison)